Life Insurance

Providing you with the resources for you to be able to go out and truly help families gain peace of mind through the products we offer.


The Importance of Life Insurance

We will determine wehter the prospect issuitable for life insurnce but we believe that everyone should have protection for their family.

Collecting a Proper Fact-Finder

It is vital to collect a proper Fact-Finder from your prospect to be able to help them to the best of our ability. This include collect all the info regarding their current financial situation and getting copies of their financial statements/documents. Let them know that we don't share their information with anyone outside of our organization.

Click the link below to download the Fact-Finder pdf.

The D.I.M.E. Method

Determining the amount of insurance needed can calculated using the D.I.M.E. Method.


How much and what kind of debt does the client have?


Add 7-10 years of income for the insured.


What is the bablance on the mortgage?


How many children multiplied by $100k each for college expenses.

Debt Amount   +   Income (7-10 years worth)   +   Mortgage Balance   +   College Tuition (per child)

=   Needed Coverage

How to present Indexed Universal Life

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